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Molecular Biology of the Cell  Imagem
Molecular Biology of the Cell
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Molecular Biology of the Cell

Molecular Biology of the Cell

Editora:  W.W. Norton  | 

Publicação:  7ªedição/2022

Bruce Alberts (Author, University of California, San Francisco),

ISBN: 9780393884852  | 

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Molecular Biology of the Cell

Editora:  W.W. Norton  | 

Publicação:  7ªedição/2022

Bruce Alberts (Author, University of California, San Francisco),

ISBN: 9780393884852  | 

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Descrição do Produto

For more than four decades, Molecular Biology of the Cell has distilled the vast amount of scientific knowledge to illuminate basic principles, enduring concepts, and cutting-edge research. The Seventh Edition has been extensively revised and updated with the latest research, and has been thoroughly vetted by experts and instructors. The classic companion text, The Problems Book, has been reimagined as the Digital Problems Book in Smartwork, an interactive digital assessment course with a wide selection of questions and automatic-grading functionality. The digital format with embedded animations and dynamic question types makes the Digital Problems Book in Smartwork easier to assign than ever before—for both in-person and online classes.  

Bruce Alberts (Author, University of California, San Francisco), 

Rebecca Heald (Author, University of California, Berkeley),

Alexander Johnson (Author, University of California, San Francisco), 

David Morgan (Author, University of California, San Francisco), 

Martin Raff (Author, University College London (Emeritus)), 

Keith Roberts (Author, University of East Anglia (Emeritus)), 

Peter Walter (Author, University of California, San Francisco), 

John Wilson (Supplement by, Baylor College of Medicine), 

Tim Hunt (Supplement by, OIST Graduate University, Japan)