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Skin Lymphoma: The Illustrated Guide
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Skin Lymphoma: The Illustrated Guide

Skin Lymphoma: The Illustrated Guide

Editora:  Wiley-Blackwell  | 

Publicação:  4ªedição/2014

Lorenzo Cerroni

ISBN: 9781118492499  | 

Prazo de Envio: Envio em até 3 dias úteis + prazo dos correios

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Skin Lymphoma: The Illustrated Guide

Editora:  Wiley-Blackwell  | 

Publicação:  4ªedição/2014

Lorenzo Cerroni

ISBN: 9781118492499  | 

Prazo de Envio: Envio em até 3 dias úteis + prazo dos correios

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Descrição do Produto

Skin lymphomas are relatively rare but potentially fatal

They can easily be misdiagnosed as benign skin diseases. Dermatologists and pathologists need to have a good understanding of the clinical presentations and the pathological correlates of this challenging disease to ensure the correct diagnosis and most appropriate treatment is provided.


Skin Lymphoma: The Illustrated Guide is a full-color illustrated text and atlas that combines pathology with clinical features and treatment. Jam-packed with pictures that illustrate key diagnostic points and supplemented by teaching cases to highlight effective decision making. It includes all newly identified entities and provides pointers on how to differentiate these. In addition, it also covers all inflammatory conditions that may simulate skin lymphomas (cutaneous pseudolymphomas).