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Editora:  Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams  | 
Publicação:  2ªedição/2018
Matthew J. Schniederjan MD, Daniel J. Brat MD, PhD
ISBN: 9781496382634  | 
Prazo de Envio: Envio em até 30 dias úteis + prazo dos correios
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Editora:  Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams  | 
Publicação:  2ªedição/2018
Matthew J. Schniederjan MD, Daniel J. Brat MD, PhD
ISBN: 9781496382634  | 
Prazo de Envio: Envio em até 30 dias úteis + prazo dos correios
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Biopsy Interpretation of the Central Nervous System focuses on differentiating lesions with similiar histologic appearance. Differential diagnosis based on multiple factors is emphasized to enable efficient comparison of similar entities. The concise text highlights the distinguishing histologic features of each entity, discusses the ancillary testing necessary to make a confident diagnosis, and places each lesion in the setting of its clinical significance.
More than 300 full-color photomicrographs demonstrate the diagnostic features of each entity. Lists of differential diagnoses based on other factors, such as location and typical age of occurrence, are also included.
A companion website includes the fully searchable text, more than 300 full-color images, and an interactive quiz bank that is ideal for board exam preparation.