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Urological Pathology
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Urological Pathology

Urological Pathology

Editora:  Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams  | 

Publicação:  1ªedição/2013

Mahul B. Amin, John Eble MD, David Grignon MD, John Srigley MD

ISBN: 9780781782814  | 

Prazo de Entrega:: Produto Esgotado

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Urological Pathology

Editora:  Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams  | 

Publicação:  1ªedição/2013

Mahul B. Amin, John Eble MD, David Grignon MD, John Srigley MD

ISBN: 9780781782814  | 

Prazo de Entrega:: Produto Esgotado

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Descrição do Produto

Urological Pathology
Knowledge in the field of urologic pathology is growing at an explosive pace. Today’s pathologists, specialists, and residents require a comprehensive and authoritative text that examines the full range of urological diseases and their diagnosis. 

Written by recognized leaders and educators in the field, the text provides readers with a detailed understanding of all diagnostic aspects of urological disease.  Inside this unique resource, readers will explore a broad spectrum of practical information—including etiology, diagnostic criteria, molecular markers, differential diagnosis, ancillary tests, and clinical management. This is sure to be the new definitive text for urological pathology!


  • Practical organization presents discussions by organ and by neoplastic/non-neoplastic nature of diseases to help readers access and retrieve essential facts quickly.
  • Expert editors are highly respected academic urologic pathologists. 
  • Detailed guidance helps readers identify a range of pathologic entities, recognize typical and atypical presentations, refine diagnosis, and make sound treatment choices.
  • Accompanying website with image bank and fully searchable text allows readers to view critical pathologic features and related discussions at a glance.